We are 1-Emotional, 2-Physical and 3-Biochemical human beings.
A holistic life seeks to create balance of this triad.
Any area of this triad that is out of balance impacts the rest.
Our body has the natural ability to work perfectly if we take care of all three areas of this triad.
Ignoring any part needing attention creates dysfunction within us.​
What Creates Dysfunction
An overload* of stress, whether emotional, physical or biochemical.
Emotional Stressors
*Our body is designed to deal with and actually thrive with a small amount of intermittent stress as long as it's not too much.
Past and Present Relationships
Unresolved Conflict
Fears and Phobias
Emotional Abuse/Trauma
Negative Beliefs
Low Self Esteem
Physical Stressors
Physical Trauma
Repetitive Use Injury
Physical Inactivity or Overactivity
Sleep Deprivation
Spinal Issues
Dental Issues
Biochemical Stressors
Environmental Chemicals
Metabolic Waste
Metabolic Imbalance
With a holistic approach to life you must consider all three parts of the triad in making life decisions or solving problems, realizing that changing one thing has the potential to have an effect other parts of the triad.